Thursday, November 20, 2008

No more monkey's jumping on the bed!

Alright, so as Royce mentioned, we have snow - a lot of it! It is hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago we were still in the 70s. It hit fast and hard and we're definitely entering winter now! Megan could care less. This child loves snow. Forget gloves. Frostbit fingers - she'd do it if I let her. Even walking out to the car keeps me on my toes (and we're parked in the garage!). "Megan don't touch the snow you don't have any gloves." "Megan put the snowball down." "Megan no snow angels without a snowsuit." "Megan dipping your hair in the snow is going to give you a cold head." and so on and on... I promise some snow pictures soon but my camera and flying snowball - is a little dangerous ;) LOL

What else is new? Hmmmm, Evan is a stinker. So michievious, just like Megan. You know, where he know he shouldn't be doing something but he slowly, very slowly moved his finger towards something (like my laptop keyboard) and lightly touches it and pulls away and looks at you and laughs. He is talking more and more and his cute ramblings make me giggle. His favorite word is still ma ma, ma ma, ma ma, which I hear at least a zillion times a day. He loves itsy bitsy spider and can do all the motions himself as I sing. He loves to chase Megan around the house and play hide n seek. He loves squirrels, dogs, and eating, which I think he could do 24-7 especially if it is sweets. We are going up to visit with family for the holidays. I am concerned to see all the food LOL. He is going to go crazy!

I can't wait to see what fun this winter will bring - sledding, snowman, forts, maybe even some skiing?! I can't wait!

It is snowing as I write this...we look like we're in a snow globe. It seems beautiful right now, but I'm sure come February I'll be ready for green grass again!

And with that note, not being able to go outside as much now has left me with some pretty hyper kiddos. You all know Meg and Ev by now...I have my hands full. They have so much energy...please keep me in your thoughts this winter LOL especially now that Evan is mobile just like Megan!

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and her quirky faces - gosh, she makes the funniest expressions!

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and sweet faces too -

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and one in color just because I know some of you are wanting color right about now. ;)

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About Me

A blog devoted to the daily life of Royce, Raelynn, Megan and Evan. A glimpse into our love, craziness, and sillies.